The Equitable Leadership Table is a cohort-based training and coaching program that equip leaders with the skills and strategies to build inclusive workplaces. Learn More Here!


Deepen Understanding. Make Connections. Advance Equity.
We have created dynamic and interactive learning spaces where participants can raise their awareness and deepen their understanding on a variety of topics to build the skills required to create supportive teams, healthy organizations, and ultimately advance race equity, social justice, and liberation. All of our training content can be customized for your organization.
The Values and Approaches the guide our training include:

Building Equity-Centered Supportive Teams
Building Equity-Centered Supportive Teams provides an understanding about the four ingredients of an equity-centered supportive team the elevates the voice and value of each member of the team. In this workshop, participants learn the that a healthy human-centered team culture is essential for teams to be high performing, and this supportive equity-centered team culture is fundamental for any team working to advance a race equity agenda. Participants learn common individual and organizational dynamics that impact the development of this idea team culture, and learn tools and concrete skills to building teams where members can thrive.

The Ultimate Bias Workshop
As the nation has developed a collective consciousness on systemic racism, one of the most demanded trainings has been on the topic of implicit bias. Our firm’s own bias against doing bias trainings has been that, generally speaking:
1. The trainings are often too short, and they don’t allow sufficient time for participants to reflect on how they might apply what they have learned to address their own biases.
2. The trainings are decontextualized, meaning, they provide definitions of implicit/ unconscious bias and explicit/conscious bias, but they do not provide the contexts of racism, sexism, and other systems of oppression in the United States that shape the biases we all have.
3. The trainings don’t provide space for peer learning, individual reflection, or create a dynamic learning experience where key concepts and lessons come alive.
So, Wilson and Associates examined our dissatisfaction with existing training on bias and developed The Ultimate Bias Workshop™ that combines 20 individual lessons from our implicit bias, anti-racism, race equity and racial justice training content, and we added our proprietary models for advancing equity and inclusion, namely our
• G.L.O.W. Model
• P.O.P.P. model
• The E.C.C.O. Effect
to help our students more deeply understand bias in the U.S. context and learn how they can address biases within themselves, within their teams, and within their organizations.

G.L.O.W. For Equity and Racial Justice
G.L.O.W. For Equity and Racial Justice is a workshop that orients participants on our G.L.O.W. Model that teaches tools and practices for creating equitable and inclusive spaces. After learning somatic and coaching skills to ground the group in mind and body, participants will learn how to build a equitable team culture that centers equity. Participants will learn the language, concepts and communication strategies that are required for creating liberatory spaces. Next, participants will learn how to navigate systems of oppression that manifest on teams and within organizations. Finally, participants will learn strategies for how to lead equity focused-work that centers people and joy and a sense of wonder.

Courageous Conversations and Communicating In a Conflict
Courageous Conversations and Communicating In a Conflict will help participants understand the various types of conflict as well as understanding the root causes of conflict, specifically, what activates conflict in our interpersonal relationships. Participants will learn tools and practices for identifying the type of conflict they are in and learning how to use empowering relationship-centered communication strategies to work through conflict.

Interrupting Bias: Creating The E.C.C.O Effect In Organizations
You know what bias is, where it comes from, and how it's showing up in your organization. Now you want to know what to do about it.
Workshop Description
Organizations are full of implicit biases because they are filled with people, and people are full of implicit biases because it’s in our human nature.
Our training team is often asked “How do we prevent biases?”—and after 30 years of research, the results show that’s nearly an impossibility.
That means the real question that we have to ask ourselves is “How do we increase our awareness of our biases?” And, “How to we begin to interrupt our biases, and the biases of others, before they create harm?”. These are the 2 questions upon which this training is built.
In this 2-hour interactive workshop:
(1)We bring in a Cultural Somatics approach which teaches the principles of grounding and pausing to help participants learn how to disrupt the “System 1 Brain” that generates biases at hyper-speed.
(2) Participants learn how Cultural Somatics helps us become more connected to our mind and body, which helps us feel more empowered to interrupt biases and microaggressions.
(3) Participants will deepen their understanding of how and when implicit bias creeps in so they can identify the opportunities for intervention and mitigation.
(4) Participants learn our 4 -part E.C.C.O. Framework (and over 20 best practices) for interrupting and mitigating biases in ourselves and our organizations.
We believe that once all of us begin to live out the E.C.C.O Framework, it will create a ripple effect, or echo, within our organizations that will lead to an increase of de-biasing strategies and behaviors. And that’s what we call The E.C.C.O. Effect

Foundations for Equity and Racial Justice
Foundations for Equity and Racial Justice is a primer to help participants move beyond the buzzwords of “Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)” and deepen their understanding of the history colonialism, white supremacy ideology, and racism in the United States and the 400-year movement for equity and justice for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Participants will learn foundational concepts and terminology to help them understand systemic racism, bias and the movement for racial justice in the United States. Participants explore their own cultural identities and how their own racial/ethnic identities shapes their understanding of equity racial justice.

Ethical Storytelling
Workshop Description
This virtual workshop will help participants learn how to tell social impact-focused communications that don’t exploit the subjects of the story.
You’ll learn how to strike the balance of telling others about the great work your organization does, without victimizing, exploiting and “poverty pimping” your program participants and the communities you support, seeking sob-stories to raise funds.
In this workshop you will learn:
1) The elements of successful nonprofit storytelling.
2) Common pitfalls of nonprofit communications and messaging.
3) A introduction to what is called a “structural analysis”: just big jargon that describes how systemic racism and other systems of oppression create the inequities in communities that, often times, nonprofit organizations and philanthropy are trying to address with their programs, services and funding.
4) A framework for ethical storytelling.
5) How to review your current mission and vision statements with a diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism lens.
6) A process to transform your current storytelling practices into ethical storytelling practice.
All training dates can be found here:

Launching D.E.I. In Your Organization: Using our G.L.O.W. model
Looking for a roadmap to help chart your organization's path towards diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging?
Workshop Description:
Many organizations are in the process of launching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (and anti-racism) initiatives in their organizations, and have yet to pause to ask questions such as:
(1) What does it mean for your organization to be "ready" to successfully launch and implement a DEI/A effort?
(2) What are the questions that you should be asking as you launch a DEI/A initiative?
(3) What is the important distinction between the terms/concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion?
In this workshop, we begin to explore these questions, how you can create the space within your organizations to discuss these questions, and most of all, why these questions must be answered BEFORE a DEI/A initiative is launched.
This virtual workshop provides a great introduction for anyone looking to launch a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within their organization and is curious about how to start.
In this training, you will:
(1) Connect your personal identity and culture to DEI efforts
(2) Build a literacy around DEI terminology
(3) Learn our G.L.O.W model, which is a 4-part framework for implementing a DEI effort.
(4) Have an opportunity to ask questions and get real-time coaching from Wilson and Associates' President and Senior Consultant.

The Ultimate Bias Workshop
As the nation has developed a collective consciousness on systemic racism, one of the most demanded trainings has been on the topic of implicit bias. Our firm’s own bias against doing bias trainings has been that, generally speaking:
1. The trainings are often too short, and they don’t allow sufficient time for participants to reflect on how they might apply what they have learned to address their own biases.
2. The trainings are decontextualized, meaning, they provide definitions of implicit/ unconscious bias and explicit/conscious bias, but they do not provide the contexts of racism, sexism, and other systems of oppression in the United States that shape the biases we all have.
3. The trainings don’t provide space for peer learning, individual reflection, or create a dynamic learning experience where key concepts and lessons come alive.
So, Wilson and Associates examined our dissatisfaction with existing training on bias and developed The Ultimate Bias Workshop™ that combines 20 individual lessons from our implicit bias, anti-racism, race equity and racial justice training content, and we added our proprietary models for advancing equity and inclusion, namely our
• G.L.O.W. Model
• P.O.P.P. model
• The E.C.C.O. Effect
to help our students more deeply understand bias in the U.S. context and learn how they can address biases within themselves, within their teams, and within their organizations.

Everybody's Biased: Understanding Unconscious (Implicit) Bias
Unconscious biases are ones that we are unaware we have. How do we increase our awareness of these biases to advance anti-racism efforts?
Workshop Description
If you are a human being, you have biases operating in your subconscious mind that you are totally unaware of. This Unconscious Bias is a function of our brains processing tens of thousands of bits of information per second, helping to quickly sort information, make connections, and identify patterns.
Unconscious Biases aren't inherently bad. But it can create harmful and negative impacts.
In a country where racism and prejudicial beliefs are built into our systems, organizations, culture, and throughout our society, you can begin to imagine the same must live in our unconscious minds. This is why Unconscious Bias can be harmful, dangerous, and even deadly if it leads us to engage in prejudicial, discriminatory, or racist actions.
This is why our work to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism must include an exploration of our biases, an understanding of how they are developed, and the development of strategies for interrupting biases when they surface.
In this 2-hour interactive workshop, you will :
(1) Deepen your knowledge of Unconscious (Implicit) Bias.
(2) Explore the various ways our biases are formed.
(3) Learn what we called “The Toxic Cycle” that establishes the connection between Implicit Biases, Systemic Racism, and White Supremacy Ideology.
(4) Understand the harms that can result from unchecked Biases, including macro and microaggressions.
(5) Explore how you can begin to integrate what you’ve learned.
(6) Learn 2 strategies for interrupting biases to better support efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
***Note: we have an extended workshop focused specifically on how to interrupt biases specifically connect to our trademarked "The E.C.C.O. Effect."

Becoming Anti-Racist
Becoming Anti-Racist is an experiential workshop where participants will build an understanding of the 4 levels of racism and what it means to be racist, “not racist” and to become anti-racist. Explore how White Supremacist ideology created the concept of race and how that has shaped racial biases that influence out systems. Learn individual actions you can take to counteract white supremacy and systemic racism. Learn how to engage in conversations around race. Examine the connections between white supremacy, racism, and race equity. Learn antiracist transformational practices

Dismantling White Supremacist Culture
Dismantling White Supremacist Culture helps participants understand that this type of toxic culture is harmful for people of all races and ethnicities. The workshop begins with a deep examination of the characteristics of White Supremacist Culture that are toxic and damaging. Participants learn how White Supremacy Culture prevents anti-racist, equity, diversity and inclusion efforts from being successfully implemented. Participants then learn counter-strategies for building inclusive cultural practices that are equity-based, holistic and anti-racist.

The E.C.C.O. Effect
We recommend taking this workshop *after* you take the "The Ultimate Bias Workshop".
Once clients have a deeper analysis of Bias and the connection between Bias and Oppressive Dominant Culture Narratives, the next step is understanding how to begin to mitigate biases.
In this workshop, we teach you our 4-part process for mitigating bias which is the E.C.C.O. And, when you do these 4 steps, you are able to create The E.C.C.O Effect, which is the reverberating and ripple effect of leading de-biasing strategies that are implementable and sustainable.

Designing and Facilitating Virtual Meetings That P.O.P.P
Designing and Facilitating Virtual Meetings That P.O.P.P offers a framework, tools and practices to help you design interactive and engaging virtual meetings using our signature P.O.P.P. model. This workshop teaches participants how to create the optimal conditions for open and equitable communication, effective discussion and collaboration. and how to facilitate groups to do their best thinking. You’ll also learn facilitation skills to help you respond to common group dynamics and how to center equity and inclusion. By the end of this workshop, you’ll learn how to design meeting agendas and processes to get attendees engaged and to move beyond the “large group discussion” format that has become the norm on virtual meeting platforms.

G.L.O.W. Model
As more organizations begin to engage in the racial justice alphabet soup (DEI, DEIA, IDEA, REDI, JEDI), they are embarking on a journey that is generally new their staff.
The central question we hear is how to design an equity-focused anti-racism process that will yield lasting results, or as we call it, "Transformations That Stick"?
In this session, you learn our G.L.O.W. Model and recommended journey metaphor for what an authentic and equitable process could look like & what steps it should include so that at the end of your quest you have accomplished your goals and vision for equity, inclusion and anti-racism.