Emerging data on COVID-19 deaths show an overwhelming racial disparity. African Americans are being infected and dying at rates that aren't proportionate to their percent of the US Population.
Many of us clearly see a direct causal link between centuries of structural racism and racist policies (such as the forced enslavement of Africans and the resulting intergenerational trauma, redlining, environmental pollution in Black communities, employment discrimination, medical discrimination, etc.) and today's African American COVID-19 deaths.
Some have said making the connection between #racism and #COVID-19 is just another attempt to play the #RaceCard. Is that right? Or is COVID-19 "holding up a mirror to our society and reminding us of the deep inequities in our country" as Michigan's Governor Whitmer recently remarked.
On Tax Day, Chrysta Wilson, President and Senior Consultant of Wilson and Associates, joined Public Health Advocate and Professor Nicole Vick and Community Advocate Ericka Leann in a conversation about Racism and COVID-19.
View the recording below:
Additionally, I committed to sharing articles with the data I referenced in my talking points. Here they are:
Tracking Race and Ethnicity in the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic isn't affecting all communities the same way. That's why we're partnering with American University’s Antiracist Research & Policy Center to launch a new project: the COVID Racial Data Tracker
Stop Blaming Black People for Dying of the Coronavirus: New data from 29 states confirm the extent of the racial disparities.
Gov. Whitmer announces task force to study the impact of coronavirus on African Americans, minorities
Two pueblos have some of the highest infection rates in the US
Echols: All St. Louis COVID-19 deaths have been African Americans
CDC Hospital Data Point To Racial Disparity In COVID-19 Cases