The Equitable Leadership Table is a cohort-based training and coaching program that equip leaders with the skills and strategies to build inclusive workplaces. Learn More Here!

Are You Ready To:
explore your dreams,
commit to joy,
& come home to yourself ?

Then it's time for dreaming, laughing, and feeding your soul's desire.
As your coach, this is what I'm committed to helping you accomplish. Together, we will create the recipe for your life where you are releasing the shoulds, living in your purpose, and you are reminded how delicious this life can be.
A curated suite of coaching experiences that will feed your soul.
As an embodied life and leadership coach rooted in joy and justice, I partner with ambitious and purpose-driven executives, leaders, and business owners who have achieved their professional goals and realize that there is an energetic and spiritual contract with their soul they need to renegotiate, awaken, and activate.
After 15 years of coaching and consulting with high powered leaders, here's what I have learned about
us ambitious, purpose-driven, high performers:

What is Soul's Food?
Soul's Food is our suite of curated Individual Coaching, Group Coaching, and Retreat Experiences.

​Soul's Food
In-Person Group Coaching Retreat & Dinner Party
This is an in-person experience and takes place in 2 "courses" .
Course (Part) 1: Liberating Your Soul's Desire: Group Coaching and Community Gathering
In this experience from 10am-4pm, Guests will be engaged in a variety of visioning, somatic, breathwork, personal strategic planning, personal coaching, and storytelling activities, all focused on helping you identify what will help you feel whole, less burnt out, and more fulfilled and in your purpose.
This is a day-long group coaching and collective flow experience focused on telling the truth about all of who you are and how you can move into sacred integration of all your parts, roles, and personas. There is space to declare your needs, release "the shoulds", and honor your journey that has brought you success, and what you need to bring you inner balance.
Course (Part) 2: ​Soulful Dinner Party & Sacred Storytelling. In this evening experience, starting around 5pm, After a resting and reflection break, we'll host a dinner party where participants are invited to share their sacred stories while engaging in a collective meal sharing experience. All dietary restrictions and accommodations can be honored by this chef-driven menu created by a local Black-owned catering company.
And Coach Chrysta will dust-off her "Chef Chrysta" hat to provide desserts from her former life as the pastry chef and owner of the award-winning bakery Kiss My Bundt, as tribute to the programmatic theme of owning all we are and all we have been.
Since becoming an International Coaching Federation certified coach in 2015, my mission-driven clients have shared that while they are excellent at setting goals and holding space for everyone else, what they want is someone to hold space for them and their audacious dreams, so they can move into right relationship with their whole self.
It's time to renegotiate, awaken, and activate the energetic and spiritual contract with your soul.
I want you to breath easy and experience freedom in your body. Freedom in your relationships. Freedom from the obligations and "the shoulds." Get ready to learn what excites and delights you, and feeds your soul.
Do the inner soul-work required to become the next evolution of yourself
Name your needs and declare that they will get met
Release obligations & what no longer serves you
- Give yourself permission to say yes to yourself MORE
Prioritize your mental, spiritual, emotional well-being
Stimulate your senses
Tell your truth and share your story
Get inspired and motivated to go after your desires
Learn who you are outside of your accomplishments
Make moves for more joy, more rest, more
peace, and more NOs -
Experience more joy, adventure, and pleasure
Build relationships with other successful and mission-driven people who want more purpose, pleasure, play and peace in their lives.
Engage all your senses over delicious
chef-driven meal in a beautiful space. -
For the first time in over a decade, get to enjoy Kiss My Bundt cake made by Chrysta!
Who Are These Offerings For?
These coaching experiences are for ambitious and mission-driven people who've checked all the boxes to accomplish career success, and are now in a place to take time for the inner work that will create alignment between your external persona and your soul.
Inclusion Note: The majority of my coaching experience has been in service of folks who identify as women, agender, femme non-binary, and genderqueer and queer humans.
I do not have much experience coaching folks who identify as male, and I share this as you consider whether this space could be for you. If you are actively working on dismantling internalized misogyny, misogynoir, and patriarchy, we can discuss which programs might be a right fit for you.
Because of my background in anti-oppression work, racial justice, gender equity, DEI and belonging, anti-racism, and liberation-focused healing practices, I have cultivated an audience and community that shares in these values. This is the community from which my clients emerge.
Our Programs support mid-career executives and business owners who are looking for a space to be held for them after holding space for others over the last 2+ decades.
The Soul's Food Suite was created so you can experience balance between who you currently are and who you want to be. This program is to get you more of what you want. The skills you'll build will help you learn how to release “the shoulds” and what (and who) no longer serves you. So you can become more of who you are meant to be.

Feedback that feeds my soul:

Why I Created Soul's Food
My clients, with all of their success running departments, organizations, companies, or their own businesses, have accomplished WILD personal and professional milestones, checking off all the boxes they were told to in order to get where they are. And, in doing so, at times they have felt like they have been put in a box. They feel like something is missing, and no title or amount of money can fill that hole.
After nearly a decade of coaching, I can tell you that this feeling often comes from deeper question and yearning that’s not tied to their high performance: rather, it’s a question about their own needs, values, and their soul’s desire. And they haven’t always felt the freedom or permission to answer the question of what their soul is hungry for, or make the plan to expand from where they currently are (especially emotionallly/spiritually) to where they want to be.
I’m offering all of this to help you facilitate this inner work that is connected to our deep emotional well-being, and our spiritual and physical freedom.
We are so outside our bodies, disconnected from the inner wisdom that connects our mind and spirit to that body, that we are a stranger in our own bodies. Often unable to have certainty in the right decisions for ourselves. We're looking externally for wisdom when what we need is right inside.
I want to welcome you home to yourself.

Chrysta Wilson | Wilson and Associates Coaching and Consulting, LLC 2023